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17.09.2011 00:00 - Римска Bylazora - днешният град Велеш
Автор: apollon Категория: Изкуство   
Прочетен: 11476 Коментари: 15 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 04.04.2012 20:54

Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в категория в Blog.bg Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в Blog.bg
Градовете Билазора и Астибус били най-известните градове в земите на пеоните. Град Билазора бил столица на пеоните от най-древни времена, а по-късно техен престолен град станал Астибус. От всички градове в Пеония древна Билазора бил най-големият и най-значим град, споменат във сведенията на Полибий и Титус Ливий.
Една от най-важните дати в историята на града e 168 г.пр.Хр. Името Билазора е византийски вариант на гръцкото име ζωρός - чисто, неразредено вино. 

Бешевлиев разглежда името като производно от Villa(m) във варианта Βηλαστύρας Beševl. В този смисъл особено важно е да приемем, че византийското име е аналог на латинското име на града, тъй като градската структура на селището се оформя от търговските връзки, възникнали в околностите на голямо имение. Предполагаемото значение на името е "градска вила".

Монета с цар Ликейон, борещ се с лъв

Бапстистерий от Стоби. В България същия баптистерий се намира в центъра на град Сандански - нераставриран и оставен на разрухатаimage


1. get - - В сайта „Траколожки страници” на Олтеан Сорин четем ?
17.09.2011 07:13
- За книгите на Веселин Бешевлиев Zur Deutung der Kastellnamen in Prokops Werk "De Aedificiis", Amsterdam, 1970 (abbreviated below as PKN) , Димитър Дечев „Die thrakischen Sprachreste”, Wien, 1957.

- Пояснява, Бешевлиев приема в обяснителните си бележки под черта(в книгата си) ... топонима е транслитериран на латински ! Също така Сорин заявява – авторите приемат и че името е двусъставно от частиците „бяло” и „място”.

- С уважение !
2. virtu - Аз пък си го превеждам :
17.09.2011 20:31
Бела Зора ! Като пълководецът на Истинен/ Юстиниан/ - Бели Зари /Велизарий /.
Хе хе , бъдещето ще покаже дали съм права ! Аз имам търпение .:)))
3. virtu - Кой знае , може някой пеон да ми го е прошепнал?
17.09.2011 20:33
Ха ха !
4. get - - Като сме започнали с волните интерпретации - мен ме блазни да си го преведа, като ... !
18.09.2011 08:58
virtu написа:
Бела Зора ! Като пълководецът на Истинен/ Юстиниан/ - Бели Зари /Велизарий /.
Хе хе , бъдещето ще покаже дали съм права ! Аз имам търпение .:)))

... "бял водач" ... или Водени от Белият бог !! :))

от Гет ктист
5. apollon - Хайде да се разберем - опитвайте се ...
18.09.2011 11:20
Хайде да се разберем - опитвайте се да доказвате фантазиите си
6. virtu - Аполоне ,
19.09.2011 13:36
че то си е ясно като бял ден .
Само не ми казвай , че записано с гръцки букви Беласторас , защото по еразмовото четене , така се е произнасяло , по църковното/ Византийското/ произношение Билазора , просто ми нашепва Бела Зора .
И защо пеоните ще кръстят града си с гръцко име за вино ?
Хайде , сега ти ми отговори , има ли смисъл в това?
Като си е град на пеоните , що ще го кръщават на гърците ?
Поздравения ! Обещавам , че ще направя справка , как различните народи са интерпретирали името , за да достигна до най-близкото звучене. :)))
7. apollon - Отговорът ми стои най-отдолу до...
19.09.2011 13:41
Отговорът ми стои най-отдолу добавен в постинга
8. анонимен - Who said that Bylazora was tha capital of Paeonia?
21.12.2011 14:26
Who said that Bylazora was the fabled capital of the Paionians? It seems that someone does not have read in full the genuine notes written by Polybius and Livy about Bylazora and its location on the River Axius at Veles. The "moove" of Bylazora to the inland of Paeonia at Kneze, Sveti Nikole was a big mistake made by Mikulcic’ and then by his fellow companions, the directors Eulah M. Matthews and William Neidinger. The identification of Bylazora at Kneze stems, of course, from Ivan Mikulcic’s work in 1976 that is completely wrong. The truth is quite different, as the directors Eulah M. Matthews and William Neidinger agree with the statement by saying "we have not found anything to date at the site that says this is Bylazora and that they are open to the idea that the Kneze site might be some city other than Bylazora.

Bylazora or Vilazora is a Paeonian city that was located on the Axius River at Veles in the Republic of Macedonia. Polybius tells us that "King Philip V captured Bylazora, the largest town of Paeonia, and very favourably situated for commanding the pass from Dardania to Macedonia: so that by this achievement he was all but entirely freed from any fear of the Dardani, it being no longer easy for them to invade Macedonia, as long as this city gave Philip the command of the pass". In 219 BC, the Dardanians collected their forces for a raid into Macedonia and at that time must Bylazora already have been in their hands. Bylazora with its location at Veles commanded the entrance to a long defile and, no less important, a route southwestwards into Pelagonia via the Babuna Valley, or Raec Valley into Styberra and interior of the Macedonian Kingdom. One assumes that Bylazora as the largest Paeonian town must have been in Dardanian possession when Philip V captured it in 217 BC, and then garrisoning it with aim to end Dardanian raid. Bylazora is also mentioned by Livy in his "The History of Rome" when Perseus in 168 BC arranged military support from the Gauls who were camping in Desudaba, Maedica, requesting the Gaulish army to shift their camp to Bylazora, a place in Paeonia, and their officers to go in a body to him at Almana on the River Axius.
9. анонимен - Who said that Bylazora was tha capital of Paeonia?
21.12.2011 14:27
Who said that Bylazora was the fabled capital of the Paionians? It seems that someone does not have read in full the genuine notes written by Polybius and Livy about Bylazora and its location on the River Axius at Veles. The "moove" of Bylazora to the inland of Paeonia at Kneze, Sveti Nikole was a big mistake made by Mikulcic’ and then by his fellow companions, the directors Eulah M. Matthews and William Neidinger. The identification of Bylazora at Kneze stems, of course, from Ivan Mikulcic’s work in 1976 that is completely wrong. The truth is quite different, as the directors Eulah M. Matthews and William Neidinger agree with the statement by saying "we have not found anything to date at the site that says this is Bylazora and that they are open to the idea that the Kneze site might be some city other than Bylazora.

Bylazora or Vilazora is a Paeonian city that was located on the Axius River at Veles in the Republic of Macedonia. Polybius tells us that "King Philip V captured Bylazora, the largest town of Paeonia, and very favourably situated for commanding the pass from Dardania to Macedonia: so that by this achievement he was all but entirely freed from any fear of the Dardani, it being no longer easy for them to invade Macedonia, as long as this city gave Philip the command of the pass". In 219 BC, the Dardanians collected their forces for a raid into Macedonia and at that time must Bylazora already have been in their hands. Bylazora with its location at Veles commanded the entrance to a long defile and, no less important, a route southwestwards into Pelagonia via the Babuna Valley, or Raec Valley into Styberra and interior of the Macedonian Kingdom. One assumes that Bylazora as the largest Paeonian town must have been in Dardanian possession when Philip V captured it in 217 BC, and then garrisoning it with aim to end Dardanian raid. Bylazora is also mentioned by Livy in his "The History of Rome" when Perseus in 168 BC arranged military support from the Gauls who were camping in Desudaba, Maedica, requesting the Gaulish army to shift their camp to Bylazora, a place in Paeonia, and their officers to go in a body to him at Almana on the River Axius.
10. анонимен - The capital of ancient Paeonia was Siris!
11.01.2012 16:07
Hello friends,
Everyone must understand that Bylazora or Astibys never have beend the capital city of the ancient Paeonia. Bylazora on the bank of Axius river is only mensioned as the larhest city of Paeonie at the time when it was in the hands of Dardani, when Philip V captured the city. Siris as a important Paeonian city was mensioned at the time when the Persian king withrow his troops from the invasion of Greece leaving his seek soldiers in the city. Of interest is to note that the ongoing archaelogical excavation at the village of Kneze near Sveti Nikole does not concern Bylazora because it is totally untrue due to faulty assumption made by the inventor of the lie, professor Ivan Mikulcic. Due to his lack of knowledge of existing of alternative names for cities like Psaphara in Paraxiae, Philippoupolis in Parorbelia and Antigonia in Paeonie, he like a Ghost PHANTOM moved the ancient Bylazora from the bank on the Axius River at Veles long away into interior of Paeonia at Sveti Nikole, without presenting a single substantial fact. That lie was completely absorbed by the shop owner of tfahr, mr William Neidinger from US who is now working on the field at Kneze near Sveti Nikole, lying for all in the warld that he is excavating Bylazora at Sveti Nikole.

Please read and understand what Pliny is telling us about Paeonia with regards to the Axius River as its land territory border with Dardania, and Paraxiaei, a tribal people who lived in Paraxiae, a district in Paeonia.

Here is the text in Latin:

[35] mox in ora Ichnae, fluvius Axius. ad hunc finem Dardani, Treres, Pieres Macedoniam accolunt. ab hoc amne Paeoniae gentes Paraxiaei, Eordenses, Almopi, Pelagones, Mygdones. montes Rhodope, Scopius, Orbelus. dein praeiacente gremio terrarum Arethusii, Antiochienses, Idomenenses, Doberi, Aestrienses, Allantenses, Audaristenses, Morylli, Garresci, Lyncestae, Othryonei et liberi Amantini atque Orestae, coloniae Bullidenses et Dienses, Xylopolitae, Scotusaei liberi, Heraclea Sintica, Tymphaei, Toronaei. http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/pliny.nh4.html

Here is the text in English:
Then, upon the coast, Ichne20, and the river Axius: along this frontier the Dardani, the Treres21, and the Pieres, border on Macedonia. Leaving this river, there are the nations of Pæonia22, the Paroræi23 (Paraxiaei), the Eordenses24, the Almopii25, the Pelagones, and the Mygdones26. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:abo:phi,0978,001:4:17

Paraxiae was a region on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, coinciding to be identical with Ovce Pole. Ptolemaeus (90-168 AD) in his work "Geographiae" has listed a town with the name Psaphara, "surnamed" Antigoniae in Paraxiae, that must have existed on the archaeological site at Kneze, also known as Safara by the locals, the villagers from Kneze.
11. анонимен - The capital of ancient Paeonia was Siris?
11.01.2012 16:09
Hello friends,
Everyone must understand that Bylazora or Astibys never have beend the capital city of the ancient Paeonia. Bylazora on the bank of Axius river is only mensioned as the larhest city of Paeonie at the time when it was in the hands of Dardani, when Philip V captured the city. Siris as a important Paeonian city was mensioned at the time when the Persian king withrow his troops from the invasion of Greece leaving his seek soldiers in the city. Of interest is to note that the ongoing archaelogical excavation at the village of Kneze near Sveti Nikole does not concern Bylazora because it is totally untrue due to faulty assumption made by the inventor of the lie, professor Ivan Mikulcic. Due to his lack of knowledge of existing of alternative names for cities like Psaphara in Paraxiae, Philippoupolis in Parorbelia and Antigonia in Paeonie, he like a Ghost PHANTOM moved the ancient Bylazora from the bank on the Axius River at Veles long away into interior of Paeonia at Sveti Nikole, without presenting a single substantial fact. That lie was completely absorbed by the shop owner of tfahr, mr William Neidinger from US who is now working on the field at Kneze near Sveti Nikole, lying for all in the warld that he is excavating Bylazora at Sveti Nikole.

Please read and understand what Pliny is telling us about Paeonia with regards to the Axius River as its land territory border with Dardania, and Paraxiaei, a tribal people who lived in Paraxiae, a district in Paeonia.

Here is the text in Latin:

[35] mox in ora Ichnae, fluvius Axius. ad hunc finem Dardani, Treres, Pieres Macedoniam accolunt. ab hoc amne Paeoniae gentes Paraxiaei, Eordenses, Almopi, Pelagones, Mygdones. montes Rhodope, Scopius, Orbelus. dein praeiacente gremio terrarum Arethusii, Antiochienses, Idomenenses, Doberi, Aestrienses, Allantenses, Audaristenses, Morylli, Garresci, Lyncestae, Othryonei et liberi Amantini atque Orestae, coloniae Bullidenses et Dienses, Xylopolitae, Scotusaei liberi, Heraclea Sintica, Tymphaei, Toronaei. http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/pliny.nh4.html

Here is the text in English:
Then, upon the coast, Ichne20, and the river Axius: along this frontier the Dardani, the Treres21, and the Pieres, border on Macedonia. Leaving this river, there are the nations of Pæonia22, the Paroræi23 (Paraxiaei), the Eordenses24, the Almopii25, the Pelagones, and the Mygdones26. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:abo:phi,0978,001:4:17

Paraxiae was a region on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, coinciding to be identical with Ovce Pole. Ptolemaeus (90-168 AD) in his work "Geographiae" has listed a town with the name Psaphara, "surnamed" Antigoniae in Paraxiae, that must have existed on the archaeological site at Kneze, also known as Safara by the locals, the villagers from Kneze.
12. анонимен - The capital of ancient Paeonia was Siris!
11.01.2012 16:36
Hello friends,
Everyone must understand that Bylazora or Astibus never have beend the capital city of the ancient Paeonia. Bylazora on the bank of Axius river is only mentioned as the largest city of Paeonie at the time when it was in the hands of Dardani, when Philip V captured the city. Siris as a important Paeonian city was mentioned at the time when the Persian king withdraw his troops from the invasion of Greece leaving his seek soldiers in the city. Of interest is to note that the ongoing archaeological excavation at the village of Kneze near Sveti Nikole does not concern Bylazora because it is totally untrue due to faulty assumption made by the inventor of the lie, professor Ivan Mikulcic. Due to his lack of knowledge of existing of alternative names for cities like Psaphara in Paraxiae, Philippoupolis in Parorbelia and Antigonia in Paeonie, he like a Ghost PHANTOM moved the ancient Bylazora from the bank on the Axius River at Veles long away into interior of Paeonia at Sveti Nikole, without presenting a single substantial fact. That lie was completely absorbed by the shop owner of tfahr, mr William Neidinger from US who is now working on the field at Kneze near Sveti Nikole, lying for all in the world that he is excavating Bylazora at Sveti Nikole. Please read and understand what Pliny is telling us about Paeonia with regards to the Axius River as its land territory border with Dardania, and Paraxiaei, a tribal people who lived in Paraxiae, a district in Paeonia. Then, upon the coast, Ichne20, and the river Axius: along this frontier the Dardani, the Treres21, and the Pieres, border on Macedonia. Leaving this river, there are the nations of Pæonia, the Paroræi (Paraxiaei), the Eordenses, the Almopii, the Pelagones, and the Mygdones. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper text?doc=Perseus:abo:phi,0978,001:4:17 Paraxiae was a region on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, coinciding to be identical with Ovce Pole.
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